Thinking differently about dwelling

Our magazine ‘Thinking Differently about Dwelling’ explores the following questions: What makes you feel at home? What if you don’t even have a home for a while?
These questions have been our starting point for 60 years. Especially in times of scarcity and growing inequality, it’s important to keep asking these questions. It’s easy to look to politicians for solutions, but we prefer to take responsibility ourselves.
There is no more universal topic than housing, while the way people want to live is different for everyone and changes over time. This is where we add value as designers. Talking to clients and residents is the foundation of every design.
This magazine shows where our curiosity leads. Why we give residents a prominent role in the design process, and why we set up a housing cooperative. Take a look through the eyes of journalists, image makers and colleagues at our initiatives to create a pleasant home. For everyone.
The publication is in Dutch.